Friday, March 23, 2012


In just over a month I will finally set off on a long awaited adventure to Peru. Growing up I often daydreamed of being an archaeologist, so words cannot describe how excited I am to have the opportunity to visit Machu Picchu. While I know MP has become extremely popular and touristy, it will truly be a dream come true. I will start off by spending 3 days in Cusco acclimating to the elevation and exploring the markets and ruins of the Sacred Valley. Then, the real adventure will begin. The Inca Trail. After 3 days of hiking the pinnacle moment will occur when we arrive at Machu Picchu at daybreak. The next day I anticipate a long train ride to Puno where Lake Titicaca and the native Uros await. A possible side trip to La Paz, Bolivia will be considered before traveling on to Colca Canyon, which is the 3rd largest canyon in the world. Yes, that's right. It's larger than the Grand Canyon. The rest of the trip will be on autopilot with stops in Chivay, Arepuipa, and finally Lima where I look forward to good food, relaxing on the beach, and meeting new friends.

2nd thing I'm most looking forward to

any many miny moe?

Looking forward to getting lost in these streets of Cusco

Inca Trail
I had best see a llama at MP for a photo op
The views I imagine on the train to Puno
Lake Titicaca
Floating Islands
Colca Canyon- 13,640ft
World renowned white water rafting

Cathedral in Lima
I plan to take a cooking class to learn how to prepare ceviche
followed by a few Pisco Sours
and relax time at the beach

*image credits can be found on my Pinterest

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