Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Now that the Super Bowl has come and gone it's time to focus on Valentine's Day. I don't place too much emphasis on this day of 'forced affection'. I feel that the special someone in your life should not need a commercialized holiday to spur their undying love and attention. Rather, these sentiments should be expressed the other 364 days of the year. Valentine's Day does bring back fond childhood memories of candy exchanges, decorating bags in class to fill up with cards, cliche gifts from sweethearts, and the secret admirer balloons my dad would always send me to school. In the spirit of these memories I do like to come up with simple gestures to bestow upon the boy. Here are a few things I did last year (excuse the bad photos...they were taken on my phone).

I got the idea from an old recipe I saw in Martha Stewart. Instead of making homemade brownies I used a mix and then cut them out and coated them in powder sugar, cocoa, and sprinkles.

I cut them out while they were still a little warm. Then, I let them set for a bit to cool before coating them.

The boy has a love for candy that he never left behind in his childhood so I added a little something else.

Inside I included a bit of a cheesy note just to make it fun. So, yes, there is a small part of me that likes Valentine's Day, because it challenges me to do something creative while being thoughtful. That and the nostalgic effect it has on me. I don't need bells or whistles nor bows or even a dozen roses followed by a reservation to feel loved. I'm much more thankful for the simple gestures.

Come back later in the week for more Valentine's ideas. I must be careful what I post so as to not give myself away. What are you planning? Share your creative ideas below.


*image above via rhonna designs

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